Thursday 28 April 2011


This feeling of sadness is visiting me today... The reason for it is that somebody close is fighting cancer. It's a fight without winners, the end is unquestionable and fatal.

I know that, what wasn't born can not die. That birth and death is a natural cycle of life and there is nothing anyone can do to change that. I'm at peace, but sadness is colouring this moment with dim, soft flavour.

The woman had a really hard life, many illnesses and severe physical pain. What is it that decides if we have good life or life of suffering, is it karma? Is it payback for mistakes that we may have done in the past lives? I know nothing about it. And it makes me feel sad. A life lived in pain is it life lived in vain?

The biggest sufferings I have experienced in my life were because I saw other people suffer and could not help them. This actually pushed me to questioning what is going on. So now I know, that what is happening is happening by itself and there is no one here to change anything. Life is going on, not caring about you me or anyone else, it's following it's laws and whatever happens is perfect. The sadness is perfect. Birth and death is perfect. Suffering is perfect. So I don't resist this moment, I write about it, I may share it with you and if you read this- it's also perfect.

Whatever is here now is temporary. The life of character has beginning and the end, just like a movie. The story that evolves is just a story, love, hate, suffering, pain and moments of ecstasy are all just fragments of life. One life.

I celebrate when I feel like and I am sad when sadness comes. Deep knowing that nothing stays as it is makes the life more intense, more full.

I just wish that we all could leave this physical experience in peace, realised our true nature and grateful for every experience we had.

I also wish that cancer would leave humans and never come back. Same as any other diseases. I wish that we found a way as a species to live in harmony with nature and suffering would be a thing of the past. For everyone.

If you are suffering, it's not too late, just please, wake up. Do yourself a favour, look with all honesty into the root of suffering, which is untruth. Free yourself, help others, lets make a difference. Before it's too late.


1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Have you looked into the Gerson Therapy?
    There's a revealing documentary called 'The Beautiful Truth' You can find it on Youtube and torrent network.
    Mail me if you need anything
