Have been reading your blog and your posts on the No-Facebook page (and elsewhere) - hence this friend request.
Lovely to meet you H.
And you I'm intrigued by the work you're doing, and look forward to learning more.
Great, read some conversations on my blog, it is covered now from many angles, and it's not about learning, rather looking for yourself to find out what is really going on.
Please let me know if you need a helping hand. Always ready to help
Much love.
Appreciate that very much - and i think i've read all of them Something's shifting a bit - just off to do a bit more 'looking' - but there's something in what i've read in those conversations that has touched off something. Thanks again!
I know, that's how it works, by reading them you check stuff inside and shifts starts. It is happening right now.
Do you see?
it's a bit of a shock, to be honest ... this is very weird. Needing to just sit with this - feeling totally 'spaced out' - can't think of a better way to put it.
Relax, all good, all is great actually, just notice the obvious. Life is going on by itself, without a driver. Fun ride!
Write what you see when you're ready. x
Okay - seeing a mess of ideas and concepts and complete rubbish floating around - seeing this 'me' and 'I' are just labels that don't mean anything. Thoughts just floating around and not 'catching'. Like being in a surrealist painting. Very detached ... feeling the 'me' sense like a ghost in the head.
Ok, just focus here a bit: what does thought I point to?
Coming up a total blank. There is nothing there. It doesn't seem to exist except as a kind of idea ... funny, just came back on FB - good timing
The thought 'I' seems designed to point to a separate entity - outside of body/mind/spirit whatever - outside of biology/physiology - but that seems impossible.
Of course it seems as this is what we have been led to belief all our life. But is it true? That is the question, which I'd like to to examine further.
Does life need a manager? Does cat needs a manager? Do trees need managers? What about human?
No - noticing that the grass grows, the weeds, the sun appears, the rain - the cats and dogs are cats and dogs without any instruction leaflet on how to be a dog or a cat ... yes, seeing that (there are four dogs in the room right now - all quite comfortable. That's seen - but who's seeing it?
No body is seeing it. It is all just happening.
By itself.
Life is.
Separate self isn't.
Yes ... seems so impossible and yet, that's what's happening. It's utterly impersonal. All these years and years of failing to see this basic mistaken assumption. And all those 'teachers' who don't spell this out upfront!
Yes, this is so simple, that no one can see!
Tell me, how you see now what is H?
H is a label - a name given to a nonexistent individual character. H is a fiction, not even the same bodily composition from day to day. H is an idea only. There's a body, a brain - an organism - that's been labelled with a name.
You are seeing it! Yes!
What is real?
What's being experienced right now is hearing a dog snoring, seeing this screen, seeing these letters appearing - the body breathing, fingers moving, life just being this - this whole picture - right now. All these things seem real in the sense that they can be seen and touched and heard.
Beautiful. Beautiful.
Can you tell me now, is there a separate self at all? Was it ever?
No separate self at all - just an idea - like Einstein said - an illusion, but a remarkably persistent one! So obvious, so overlooked, so accepted and bought into - it's like a mirage - always receding because it isn't real
Obvious, isn't it!
I love it how easily you popped. can I blog this? Please. It may help people to see.
Yes - if it can be helpful, then of course. Maybe just use the initial 'H' rather than the name? If that's okay.
And Ilona - thank you It has been a long time coming.
Thank you, H! Much appreciation. enjoy the ride!
Welcome to living free!!!
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