Events and audios

Recordings of Past Events with Ilona

I held over 40 meetings while living in England. Every meeting was different and we explored whatever came up. You can listen to the recordings.

We used to meet once in two months in a very nice warm room in West Worthing, UK. The meetings lasted four hours, we also had a break for an hour for tea and cookies, and a friendly chat. After the break we ended up sitting a lot in silence, relaxing into being. The recordings have been edited and a lot of the silence has been cut out.

The latest event was recorded on the 12th of November, 2016

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Link to the podcast below.

Recordings of Past Events with Ilona


  1. All Pervading Pure Awareness is Eternity . The rest [seen,heard,touched,tasted,smelt] are all sensory mortal Illusion

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